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Welcome to the
Sacred Journey to Ireland

Your magical portal to everything you need to know about your journey to Ireland!


Your Magical Portal
What you'll discover...


  • Payment Links

  • Travel and flight Information

  • Detailed Itinerary in downloadable PDF

  • Initiation videos & meditations(to be added)

  • Facebook Group Link & What's App Group Link


Welcome Brochure

Download our Welcome Brochure here to read all about each day's itinerary, list of things to bring, and other pertinent information.

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Celtic Cross_Glendalough_istock_Trista Haggerty.jpg

Flight Schedule

Our tour begins on

Monday, September 25th at 9:00am. 


Arriving a day early on Sunday, the 24th

Please check out my recommended airport hotel below.


Arriving on Monday, the 25th

Please book your flight to arrive early in the morning before 9:00am.


Departure on Wednesday, Oct. 4th

Please book your departure flight no earlier than 10:00am



Payment Schedule & Link

Payment Schedule:


April 1st - $1,277


June 1st - $1,277


August 15th - $1,277

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Connect with the Group!

Join our Facebook group where I post beautiful images and videos pertaining to our sacred journey!

Join our What's App group for payment reminders, meditation upload announcements and group chat while traveling in Ireland!

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Your Initiation

You are entering into the earth mysteries and the traditions of the Celtic people.  The goddesses of the land, both the Cailleach and the Weaver Goddess welcome you home to the ancient lands of the emerald isle.  Here, you will be immersed in the energy of very ancient land where it's believed, exist the oldest footprints known to mankind.


I'll be posting videos/meditations here

as our trip nears.


Please Watch! Important information in regards to necessary items to bring with you on your Sacred Journey to Ireland.

Your Initiation into the Celtic Earth Mysteries

Brigid is Ireland's goddess of home and hearth.  She is also known as Mary of the Gael. Her sacred flame burns bright in Kildare, an eternal flame re-lit several years ago and maintained by women devotees of Brigid. 


Brigid represents the power of the goddess culture in Ireland, where the goddess was revered longer than any place in the world.  So powerful, that she couldn't be extinguished by the growing religion of Christianity, and instead, was adopted by the church as Saint Brigid.


Other goddesses too, were integrated into the church, such as Sheila na Gig that continues to adorn many abbey entryways.  The integration of the goddess into the Christian religion is one of the many things that makes Ireland so special and magical - proof of the goddess' power infused in the land of the emerald isle.


Please click on the audio to your right to receive your personal blessings from Brigid.

A Blessing from Brigid

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Brigid BlessingIrelandTrista Haggerty
00:00 / 05:57
Paps Danu MeditationIreland2023Trista Haggerty
00:00 / 09:20

The Tuatha De Danann

The ancient people of Ireland, predating the Celtic people. To the left, is a picture of Paps Danu (or Anu), the breasts of the goddess Danu.  Myths and legends reveal a story of the Tuatha De Danann entering the lands of Ireland between the breasts of Danu. They were star beings with super natural powers and were said to have been carried by the mist - or perhaps they shape-shifted. 


Over time, when battles ensued, the legends tell us that the Tuatha De Danann disappeared into the hills. They became known as the faeries or Sidhe(pronounced she).


There are many stories from many different parts of the world that speak of highly evolved spiritual beings, star beings, that once lived among us.  In Egypt, they are the gods and goddesses.  In Sumeria, they are the Annunaki, and in Ireland, they are the Sidhe or the faeries.


Click the audio to your left and meet the goddess Danu and your Tuatha De Danann guide.

An Cailleach

An Cailleach, a goddess of great antiquity. She is the primal force that moves through the land causing boulders to tumble and the earth to heave, creating mountains and hills.


She is Ireland's creation goddess and also known as Winter's Hag.  She comes at the time of Samhain, the cross-quarter day between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice. She stomps out any remaining hints of summer and fall, and dusts the tops of hills with winter's first snow.


She is the primal force that we return to again and again as the great wheel turns and we sink into our roots like the sap of deciduous trees.  Here in the hallows, and crevices and caves of our own inner landscape, we commune with the Cailleach as she makes us anew.


Click the audio to your right and meet an Cailleach!

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An CailleachTrista Haggerty
00:00 / 10:27
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